Monday, November 24, 2014

Living with CF

Living with cystic fibrosis may seem like a very difficult task, but many learn how to manage this disease in order to live fulfilling lives.  It is important that people who have CF know how to manage this disease, since it does affect various body systems. 

People who suffer from CF must intake a very high nutrient diet. This diet should include high protein, high calorie, and high fat. These diets are recommended to ensure that the body is receiving more than enough nutrients, since some of those nutrients will not be received due to mucus buildup. 
These extra calories also help provide energy for task of breathing, which can be quite difficult for those who have CF.  Vitamins and supplements are also included in these diets for additional nutrients that may not be received in the food, such as pancreatic enzyme supplements.

CF patients are also told that they should not smoke and not be exposed to those who do smoke.  Smoking (first hand or second hand) has the potential to damage their airways even more, making breathing even more difficult.  CF patients are also encouraged to exercise.  Doctors who treat CF provide exercise alternatives to help their patients remain safe but also help them build up their lungs. 


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