Thursday, October 30, 2014

How CF affects Multiple Organ Systems

Normally, in a person without cystic fibrosis,  all organ systems work together to help carry out important processes within the body. However, in a CF patient, the organ systems are damaged by the excessive mucus buildup.  The most common systems that CF affects is the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems.

The respiratory system is responsible for bringing oxygen into the body and expelling carbon dioxide out of the body.  It is responsible for bringing in an essential nutrient and getting rid of a harmful waste product, so the correct functioning of this system is extremely important.  For CF patients, this system is affected severely.  One way that CF affects the respiratory system is by bronchiectasis.  Bronchiectasis occurs when airways are damaged due to the large amount of mucus present.  This makes breathing difficult for the CF patient.  CF can also lead to chronic lung infections, because mucus is a breeding ground for bacteria. 

Another system that is affected by CF is the digestive system.  In a normal human body, the digestive system helps break down food, absorb water and nutrients, and get rid of waste.  When CF is present, several problems can occur in the digestive system.  One problem is nutritional deficiencies.  Mucus block the tubes which digestive enzymes move through from the pancreas to the intestines.  This leads to inefficient absorbance of nutrients needed by the body.  Mucus can also block the bile ducts, resulting in liver problems and gallstones.  Rectal prolapse is also common is CF patients.  Rectal prolapse occurs when internal rectal tissue comes out of the anus, due to frequent coughing. 

The reproductive system also has some serious effects due to CF, especially infertility.  Mucus can block the vas deferens, which connects the testes and the prostate.  This results in the process of making sperm to be destroyed.  Most men with CF are infertile, but women can conceive and have children. 



  1. It's sad that Cystic Fibrosis effects so many organ systems.

    1. Susan- It is sad! It is hard enough that they have to deal with breathing problems, but also digestive and reproductive issues! It is a very tough disease to manage.

  2. Is it possible for the mother to have CF and have a problem getting pregnant, or is it only a problem if the just the males have it?

  3. The females seem to have less of a problem with getting pregnant. From what I read, they usually get pregnant normally. However, it has been reported that their tubes can be affected by CF.

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