Friday, September 26, 2014

Symptoms, Prognosis, & Treatment Options

Cystic fibrosis has symptoms that are related to effects of the disease.  One of the symptoms is salty-tasting skin, consistent with increased salt concentrations within the body.  Other symptoms include chronic coughing with phlegm and lung infections.  This is because of the mucus buildup within the lungs.  Mucus buildup will also cause wheezing, difficult breathing, and greasy stools.  People suffering from CF will also have slow weight gain, since enzymes in the pancreas are affected by this mucus buildup.

The outlook for those suffering from CF has changed drastically over the past 100 years.  Over a century ago, many people with CF did not live past childhood.  Today, more than 45 percent of those with CF are 18 years or older.  This is because treatment options are improving with advanced technology and awareness.  There is now a positive outlook for cystic fibrosis patients.

There are various treatment options for Cystic Fibrosis.  Usually, treatment must occur each day since this disease affects many different parts of the body.  One treatment that is done is called airway clearance.  This helps to get rid of the mucus buildup in the lungs.  A vest that vibrates the chest is used to help break up the thick mucus.  Another form of treatment is inhaler medications.  This can also help break up mucus and prevent lung infections.  Lastly, pancreatic enzyme supplements can be taken. This helps replace the non-functional enzymes in the pancreas to help absorb those nutrients needed by the body.  To also increase nutrient intake, many people who have CF will take multi-vitamins.


*Note: Those with cystic fibrosis have skin that “taste salty” *(caused by excessive secretions from sweat glands) hot topic for NCLEX/HESI questions!


  1. I wish there was a way to cure CF, are there any research organizations trying to find a way to cure CF?

  2. Interesting, I heard the chest vibrations work for babies I had no clue it was treatment for adults with cystic fibrosis. Does cystic fibrosis hurt the chest with all the mucus build up and coughing? I remember when my dad had bronchitis and his chest hurt for weeks because he was wheezing and coughing so much.

  3. Susan- I will talk about that in a later post!
    Lillian- Yes, I read that it is very painful and the chest is full of pressure. It is a devastating disease.
